What exactly is "Where's Thundar?"

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Welcome to the 2011-2012 edition of the well-known game "Where's Waldo?" here at North Dakota State University. To make things a bit more stylish and suited towards our student body, this blog is built around the international trips currently offered, hence our title "Where's Thundar?" It follows the unique and memorable experiences of current college students traveling to Western Europe through the NDSU Center for Global Initiatives. We will describe where we've been and where we're going, as well as ways you can get involved with this great opportunity to see your world.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

So Much History Under One Roof! Thundar Visits the British Museum

After visiting magnificent castles, eating local cuisine, and immersing himself deeply into his new environment..Thundar decided it was time he took an educational trip to learn the history of all the things he had gotten to see. How convenient that he would get to visit the British Museum! This is a museum of human history and is located in London, England. Its collection holds more than seven million objects that originate from all continents. It is the largest and most comprehensive accumulation of illustrations and documents that tell the story of human culture from its beginning to its present. Thundar found this incredibly interesting and wished he could spend a great deal of time here. Unfortunately, his time was limited but he did learn a few very interesting facts. The British Museum was established way back in 1753 with the majority of its collections being of the physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloan. The cool thing about going abroad with the Center for Global Initiatives here at NDSU, Thundar thought, is that you get a unique experience that combines both the fun of exploration and insight gained from a vastly interesting history. I definitely encourage you to take part and experience all that Europe has to offer as a student. The possibilities are endless!


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