What exactly is "Where's Thundar?"

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Welcome to the 2011-2012 edition of the well-known game "Where's Waldo?" here at North Dakota State University. To make things a bit more stylish and suited towards our student body, this blog is built around the international trips currently offered, hence our title "Where's Thundar?" It follows the unique and memorable experiences of current college students traveling to Western Europe through the NDSU Center for Global Initiatives. We will describe where we've been and where we're going, as well as ways you can get involved with this great opportunity to see your world.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thundar is feeling a little "Wicked"

Feeling a little Wicked?
When Thundar first heard about going to study abroad with all these students, he was worried that he would not be able to explore all of the countries, towns, city life, Wicked  and more. He was afraid that too much time was going to be spent in the classroom and not enough time spent away doing fun activities.

Well boy was he wrong after learning that he had much more time on his hands then expected time to leave the college at Antwerp, Belgium and travel to many places one including London to see the amazing musical "Wicked". Many of us in America have heard about this play and it is world recognized.

Wicked is a musical based off the movie Wizard of Oz, but with a twist. The twist is something many didn't care to listen to but an amazing musical was wrote about the wicked witch of the west and her side of the story. It starts with the wicked witch of the west and east meeting when they are younger and goes through songs and wonderful show lights, experiences and more to tell you the mysterious tale know one knew about them growing up and entering The Wizard of Oz tale.

Thundar was lucky because his student friend's were able to sneak him in through the back door normally they are not to find of a buffalo sitting in their theatre.

So, not only do you get six college courses in five weeks but the chance to explore many more adventures around Europe.

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